Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Image result for lower prices of medication cartoon

On Monday morning, President Trump went on a tirade on against Kenneth C. Frazier, chief executive of Merck, the pharmaceuticals giant.

Mr. Frazier, one of the nation's most prominent African-American chief executives, had announced through his company's Twitter account that he was resigning from the president's American Manufacturing Council in response to Mr. Trump's refusal over the weekend to immediately and directly condemn the white supremacists and neo-Nazis carrying swastika flags in Charlottesville, Va. 

Mr. Trump had blamed the bigotry and violence  which left one anti-bigotry protester dead  "on all sides."

Was he planning to quit the council regardless?

Trump Tweeted  :Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President's Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!

Looking forward to prices' reduction on medications by any means. Now he will have the time to do so.   Just a thought.


The cartoonist's homepage, clarionledger.com/opinion

Monday, August 14, 2017

Not for...

Image result for not working for free cartoon


Image result for regime collapse cartoon

China announced it will cut off imports of North Korean coal, iron ore and other goods in three weeks under U.N. sanctions imposed over the North's nuclear and missile programs.

China, the isolated North's main trading partner, has been reluctant to push leader Kim Jong Un's regime too hard for fear it might collapse. We have seen other country's collapse.

But Beijing is increasingly frustrated with Pyongyang and supported a U.N. Security Council ban on Aug. 5 on coal and other key goods.
The Chinese customs agency said it will stop processing imports of North Korean coal, iron and lead ores and fish at midnight on Sept. 5.


Image result for equal pay cartoon

Saturday, August 12, 2017


The cartoonist's homepage, clarionledger.com/opinion


Image result for libya war cartoon

Of all the lessons to draw from the ignoble end to Muammar Qaddafi's regime in Libya, the one about nuclear weapons proliferation is probably not the first tutorial that comes to mind.

But you can believe it is not lost on countries that feel vulnerable [the rest of the world].

Eight years ago, Libya agreed to dismantle its infant nuclear program. Then NATO began enforcing a no-fly zone in support of Libyan rebels.

Is Libya today much safer than before. Is Iraq today much better than before the invasion. Would North Korea, South, and China be much better after the collapse of N. Korea's Regime?

So why do we do it?


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A hospital in Exeter, New Hampshire, was partially evacuated after mysterious complaints of nausea and lightheadedness, officials said.  Nineteen staff members were sickened in the operating room.

Fire crews were dispatched, and both the operating room and emergency room areas were evacuated and closed. The rest of the hospital was safe, the spokesperson said.

 After conducting several tests, the hospital deemed that whatever was there this morning is no long there, the spokesperson said.

Investigators are working to determine the cause of the mysterious symptoms.
The next step is to thoroughly clean the building the, but it is unclear when the operating room and emergency room areas will reopen.

The Exeter Police Department urged residents and local fire departments via Twitter to not bring new patients to Exeter Hospital due to the evacuation.

Friday, August 11, 2017


Image result for teacher student romance

An Alabama judge ruled that a law barring teachers from having sexual relationships with students old enough to consent is unconstitutional.

Morgan County Circuit Judge Glenn Thompson dismissed charges against 44-year-old Carrie Witt, a former teacher at Decatur High School, and 27-year-old David Solomon, a former contract teacher at Falkville High School.

Witt is accused of having sex with two students and Solomon with one all over the age of 16, the state's legal age of consent.

Thompson ruled that prosecutors must prove that the teacher used a "position of authority" to "coerce, groom, or otherwise obtain the illegitimate consent of the alleged victims."
Thompson said that while there may be a gap in power between teacher and student, it "clearly does not exist between every school employee and every student regardless of where that student is enrolled."  Just a thought.