Monday, July 17, 2017

let it go...


 Image result for perfect female body back

A study of different female body shape preferences found that men prefer body shapes that suggest youth.  Men from 10 countries were asked to rank a series of body shapes from most to least attractive.

Popular among all the participants was the female body shape with a BMI of 19, the borderline with being underweight.   Also a correlation between higher BMI and perceived lesser attractiveness was also evident.

Professor John Speakman, who led the study, explained:
"Fitness in evolutionary terms comprises survival and the ability to reproduce.
What we wanted to investigate was the idea that when we look at someone and think they are physically attractive, are we actually making that assessment based on a hard-wired evolutionary understanding of their potential for future survival and reproductive ability?"

"Although most people will not be surprised, since this prevails so heavily in media, culture, health education and fashion, the important advance is that now we have an evolutionary understanding of why this is the case."  Just a thought. Then and now. 


Image result for sexism towards men cartoon

This is really an equal opportunity discrimination against families. As we all know it is illegal. It deprived the organizations from talent instead of favorites.
Some may think it is very hard to proof, thus it is done. That is not true, it is easily proved.  Just a thought.


 Image result for women wants from a man

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Image result for sexism towards men



The cartoonist's homepage,
Not sure if this is true.
Tax reform and Healthcare improvement or replacement, are difficult things to do. It is easier to get the public consumed by one investigation after the other, or even better, start a war somewhere in the Middle East.

No one, Democrats or Republicans, wanted health Reforms or Tax reform. The gravy train most likely would be impacted.   Just a thought.