Trump's populist and nativist politics earned him support among working-class voters and voters without college educations.
Trump's most widely reported statements have been on issues of immigration and border security. He proposed deportation of all illegal immigrants, a wall on the Mexican border, and better control of the borders, "No Borders no Country".
He focuses on creating Jobs for the American People, taxing the rich, improved healthcare than the current, no more war in the troubled areas in the world, better trade with China and other countries and caring for the poor. He is on the top of the list in the Republican party.
Ted Cruz is looking to slash corporate tax rates to 15 percent. End some programs like the Export-Import bank and federal subsidies for renewable fuels. Simpler tax code with no IRS. End some current tax breaks and lower tax rates. Cruz is from Cuban background and born in Canada.
Marco Rubio is very hawkish, criticizing the Obama administration's nuclear nonproliferation deal with Iran and the president's decision to reestablish relations with Cuba. He talks fast, then attack the Obama in the same time avoiding to say what is he going to do. Rubio is born to Cuban parents.
So on the Republican side if not Trump, the alternative is scary. Just a thought.