Monday, January 4, 2016

He's back...

The explainer-in-chief is back.  Bill Clinton made his first public campaign trail appearance for his wife's 2016 campaign.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Opened on Sunday ?

Chick-fil-A is known for more than just food: it's also famous for being closed on Sundays.
But in the name of a good cause, some locations in Texas northeast of Dallas turned the lights on Sunday after tornadoes ripped through the state and killed 11 people.

The locations were not open to the public, but team members from various restaurants in the area did volunteer to prepare and distribute free food to responders and others affected by the tornadoes—serving those in need during this tragic event," said Amanda Hannah, a spokeswoman for the chain.

Chick-fil-A has maintained its rare Sunday closure policy since the chicken chain opened. The weekly day off is meant to encourage employees to rest, spend time with family and worship if they choose.

I am impressed.  Just a thought.

Happy New Year.. 2016

الي كل الاحباء و الاصدقاء. كل عام وانتم جميعا بخير  ومتمتعين ببركات الرب. يوم جديد.. عام جديد و فرصه احري لعمل طيب وصالح    .... بكلمه تشجيع .. كلمةتعزيه ... او كلمة شكر.  اود ان اسمع اخباركم الطيبة و معذرة عن قصوري الواضح في الكتابة بالعربي. كل سنة وانتم جميعا بخير. نزيه حزقيال بسطوروس

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Money Can be...

Ethan Anthony Couch made national headlines at age 16 when he was prosecuted as a juvenile and convicted of four counts of intoxication manslaughter for recklessly driving drunk on June, 2013 in Burleson, Texas where he was speeding, lost control of his vehicle, plowed into a gathering of pedestrians and struck a parked car. Four people were killed and nine others injured, two suffering serious bodily injury as a result of the collision.

In December 2013, the Judge sentenced Couch to 10 years of probation and therapy at a long-term, in-patient facility, after his attorneys successfully argued that the teen suffered from "affluenza" and needed rehabilitation instead of prison.

Couch became the subject of a manhunt after his probation officer was unable to contact him. On December 28, 2015, authorities detained Couch and his mother in the Mexican resort city of Puerto Vallarta after 12 days on the run.

Ethan Couch drove himself to school at the age of thirteen. When the head of the school questioned that practice, the father threatened to buy the school. At the age of fifteen, Ethan Couch was cited for "minor in consumption of alcohol" and "minor in possession of alcohol," after he was caught in a parked pick-up truck with a naked, passed out 14-year-old girl.

Fred Couch, father, has been charged with criminal mischief, theft by check, and assault, but the charges were dismissed. On 2014, he was arrested for impersonating a police officer, allegedly displaying a fake badge during a disturbance call. In 2013, Tonya Couch was sentenced to a $500 fine and a six-month community supervision order for reckless driving when she used her vehicle to force another motorist off the road.

Money is not necessary a blessing. Just a thought.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Routine ?

 Syrian army soldiers patrol the countryside of Deir Hafer, a former bastion of Islamic State group, near the northern Syrian city of Aleppo

A moderate Syrian rebel leader has been killed in a bomb attack in southern Turkey, local media reports.  The commander of Sukour al-Ghab, a militant group fighting under the umbrella banner of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), was severely injured in an explosion that hit his car in the city of Antakya, off the Syrian border.

A top Syrian rebel leader in the eastern suburbs of Damascus was killed in an aerial raid that targeted the group's headquarters, sources said. Fired missiles at a secret headquarters of the group, which is the largest rebel faction in the area and has about 15,000 to 20,000 fighters, according to Western intelligence.  Rebels blamed Russian sophisticated spying planes which they say rarely leave their skies.

The Sham News Network has posted a video showing captured civilians and fighters caged in the back of trucks. At least one of the cages is filled with women, who are being used as a human shield against Syrian and Russian airstrikes.

The business of War and the flow of money is certainly booming. Countries support one Moderate faction over another for fear of the outcome, while the outcome is here already.

Just a thought.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Message..


Please remember those who are less fortunate .....  do something even simple for others.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


A French Mother, Alic, Aida denied Visa to USA.

US Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed a visa revocation, but disputed allegations that all eleven British family members were denied permission to board the flight. One of the brothers was refused entry into Israel two years ago.

A Facebook page claiming links to radical Islamist groups was set up by someone who has lived at the family's postal address, according to ITV News.  It reportedly lists the job titles 'supervisor at Taliban and leader at al-Qaeda'.  When asked about the account, Mr. Mahmood believed hackers may have been to blame.

It was understood that the wives of Mr. Mahmood and his brother had stayed at home for the trip because one of them was ill and one of the children did not have a valid passport. But it is now believed that Mr. Mahmood's wife was in Pakistan at the time.

A little coincidence, a little of this and a little of that, you get a little denial.  Just a thought.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

See Something ?

Image result for see something

The FBI is advising law enforcement to remain on the lookout for homegrown attackers and so-called "lone wolfs" inspired by terrorist organization.  The U.S. State Department has issued a world-wide travel alert and the FBI is warning of potential copy-cat attacks as fears over terrorist strikes during the busy travel season continue to mount.

A lone wolf is a wolf that lives independently rather than with others as a member of a pack.
Typically older wolves driven from the pack, perhaps by the breeding male, and young adults in search of new territory. 

In the case of San Bernardino, Marquez, 24, a neighbor of killer Syed Farook, is accused of illegally purchasing a pair of rifles that were used in the attack. He also is accused of the more serious offense of conspiring to provide material support to terrorism.

Rafia Farook, the killer's mother, lived in the same house in Redlands, California, where her son, and his wife were building at least 15 pipe bombs and stockpiling thousands of rounds of ammunition.

The father told La Stampa that his son "shared the ideology of al-Baghdadi, and was obsessed with Israel,".  He counseled his son to be patient because in time political changes in the Middle East will accomplish his desires, in two years Israel will no longer exist.

"See something say something" that should be the law, similar to the Good Samaritan Law.    Family members, a mother, a father, a sister, or a brother, of a killer shouldn't have a life in USA if they didn't report.

 There is no lone wolf in our days. Their are people who  look the other way and that is a crime.

Just a thought.

Friday, December 18, 2015


who was arrested on securities fraud charges, has effectively waved a red flag for months in front of federal prosecutors, keeping himself in the media glare with a hugely controversial price hike of a drug that benefits AIDS
patients, pregnant women and cancer patients, attacking his critics, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, and lighting up Twitter with outrageous statements. He is out on $5M bond.

Shkreli, supposedly gained access to social media accounts of  ex-worker, contacted him, his wife and teenage son directly, and vowed to ruin the family as Shkreli demanded the return of $1.6 million he claimed had been "stolen from me."

"Your pathetic excuse of a husband needs to get a real job," Shkreli allegedly wrote the man's wife. "I hope to see you and your four children homeless and will do whatever I can do to assure this."

Retrophin's board itself later ousted Shkreli, and sued him for $65 million
, claiming he had looted the company to enrich himself and to pay off investors, whom he had allegedly defrauded, in a hedge fund he had run previously. Retrophin also disclosed it had received subpoenas from federal prosecutors in Brooklyn.

Last week, it was revealed that Shkreli bought a single-copy album of the hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan for $2 million. He then said he didn't plan on listening to it anytime soon.

"..... by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.                Just a thought.

Covering up...

Law enforcement official said that Rafia Farook lived in the same house in Redlands, California, where her son and his wife were building at least 15 pipe bombs and stockpiling thousands of rounds of ammunition.

The father said he counseled his son to be patient.
"I kept telling him always: stay calm, be patient, in two years Israel will no longer exist,". "Geopolitics is changing: Russia, China, America too, nobody wants the Jews there."

Enrique Marquez Jr., a 29-year-old Wal-Mart security guard, purchased the pair of assault-style rifles himself to keep the killers name off the paperwork.  The two killers each carried one rifle when they fired dozens of bullets at the helpless revelers attending a holiday party in San Bernardino, Calif.

Marques was also tied to the killer’s family by marriage scam. He did not live with his wife, and he never explained.
They all should be denationalized to begin with.

Just a thought.