Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Kids Huh.

PHOTO: Gareth Gravells children, Ellis and Erin, climb on a barnacle-covered object at a beach in South Wales on Aug. 12, 2015. Local officials said that the object originated from the United States.

A family beach outing turned terrifying when what was thought to be a washed-up buoy turned out to be an active bomb.
"My children took their boogie boards down and we were going out to the sea," Kelly Gravell of Burry Port, Wales, said. "We saw a large object on the beach, so we thought we’d have a little look.
"We get things washed up all the time, so we thought it was a buoy. We never thought for one second it was a bomb."
The children, Ellis and Erin, climb on a barnacle-covered object at a beach in South Wales. Local officials said that the object originated from the United States.

Gravell told ABC News she, her husband, and two young children went to their local beach for a picnic on Aug. 12, when the kids noticed something wash onto the sand.
That's when, she said, Erin, 6, and Ellis, 4, began posing for photos with the huge metal ball.
"We were more fascinated by the barnacles on it," Gravell added. "My son was touching it and was knocking on it a little bit, and that was it really."
Kids Huh. Just a thought.
[Nicole Pelletiere via Good Morning America]

A Game changer


Donald Trump has won his party's trust on top issues more than any other Republican presidential candidate, and now stands as the clear leader in the race for the GOP nomination, CNN/ORC poll.
The survey finds Trump with the support of 24% of Republican registered voters. His nearest competitor, Jeb Bush, stands at 13%. Just behind Bush, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has 9%.
Marco Rubio, Scott Walker 8%, Rand Paul 6%, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and John Kasich all land at 5%, Mike Huckabee rounding out the top 10 at 4%
The republican voters rejects the past 8 years of "opposition" and "refusal to do"  "until we get the Senate, Congress, and the White House". A do nothing politicians are down and out.
Voters wants something done. Enough of "Ben-Ghazi, E-mail Server and Repeal Obama Care" .
Trump is standing on solid ground. He is the front runner for a long time. The tide has turned in his favor.
One additional issue I would like to hear about.
Healthcare runaway cost that is 2.6 Trillion dollars with minimum outcome and is increasing 4-6% every year. No one in the world has this system.

Just a thought.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Image result for kasie hunt

Kasie Hunt covered politics and Congress as a reporter for NBC News beginning in 2013. Before that, covered Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign for the Associated Press and wrote about the 2010 midterm elections for POLITICO. Earlier in her career, she covered the writing and passage of the Affordable Care Act as a health policy reporter at National Journal.

Her first job in journalism was as an intern in the NBC News political unit.
Hunt holds a bachelor's degree in international affairs from George Washington University and a master's degree in sociology from the University of Cambridge, where she was a member of St John's College.

She is on the question, doesn't move away from it, demand the answer and you can't avoid it. Ask Cruz, Walker ...etc

She may be the rising star of the Presidential Election dilemma of 2016.

Just a thought.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The value of life


Two squirrels recently died in Yosemite. It was the plague that felled them.
Yosemite National Park closed the popular Tuolumne Meadows Campground  through Aug. 21 in order to treat fleas in rodent burrows, officials announced Friday.

State health officials began investigating human plague in the park and surrounding areas after a child from Los Angeles contracted the infectious bacterial disease. The child had visited the Stanislaus National Forest and camped at the Crane Flat Campground in Yosemite last month.

The child was still recovering from the disease, which is typically carried by wild rodents, such as squirrels and chipmunks, as well as their fleas. Fleas can carry the disease from infected dead rodents to other animals, including humans.
Initial symptoms of a plague infection include high fever, chills, weakness and swollen lymph nodes, officials said. Plague can be fatal if not treated with antibiotics in its early stages.

Visitors were given precautionary information about plague following the child’s infection and the area was monitored, but the Crane Flat Campground remained because public health officials didn’t recommend campground closures, according to the park.

“Human cases of plague are rare, with the last reported human infection in California occurring in 2006,” California Public Health. “Although this is a rare disease, people should protect themselves from infection by avoiding any contact with wild rodents.”
Plague came to the United States via rat-infested steam ships from infected areas, according to the CDC. Los Angeles was home to the last urban plague epidemic, which took place between 1924 and 1925.

Just a thought.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Married to avoid jail??? ....

A young East Texas couple celebrated their wedding day earlier than planned thanks to a criminal court judge.
Last month, Smith County Judge Randall Roberts ordered Josten Bundy to marry his girlfriend Elizabeth Jaynes as part of his probation for his involvement in a few with her ex-boyfriend. Otherwise, Bundy would be sentenced to 15 days in jail.
“[The ex-boyfriend] had been saying disrespectful things about Elizabeth, so I challenged him to a fight,” Bundy, 21, told KLTV. 
Judge Roberts asked Bundy at the sentencing hearing if Jaynes was “worth it.”
“You do know one of the provisions to stay on my probation is you’re going to have to marry her?” Roberts later asked Bundy.
Afraid he would lose his job if he was in jail, Bundy and Jaynes set a date and got married at a courthouse. With the short amount of time to plan the wedding, some relatives were unable to attend.
Blake Bailey, an attorney who practices constitutional law, told KLTV the sentence would likely have been struck down if it was appealed.

Will See if the fights end. Just a thought


A Michigan state representative is facing calls for his resignation after audio recordings surfaced of him asking an aide to plant a story about him having sex with a gay prostitute.
In a mushrooming scandal, legislative leaders seized the computers of tea party politicians Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, as Courser refusing to step down  acknowledged their affair and claimed the two state representatives are the victims of a blackmail plot led by the GOP establishment.

Courser, 43, is married and a father of four. Gamrat, a 42-year-old mother of three; says she married her high school sweetheat. She  also fired chief of staff.
The two legislators, who both cite their Christian faith as an inspiration behind conservative policy platforms, had worked closely together and even shared office space and aides. The pair were said to disappear from the office together for hours on Thursday afternoons. 

Tea party Member, Conservative, Cited their Christian Faith, having an affair and tried to cover it up by deceiving others with fake stories. They fired people who just happened to be working for the State but under their supervision. 

This is Embarrassing.  Just a thought.


Image is not related.

A White House staffer is facing assault charges after shooting at a Capitol Police officer using the cop's own gun after a lover's quarrel, police said.
The White House has placed Barvetta Singletary, a special assistant to the president and the House legislative affairs liaison, on "unpaid leave and revoked her access to the complex "
Singletary texted the Capitol Police officer around 2:30 a.m. Friday inviting him to her Upper Marlboro residence for sex.
After he arrived at her home, they “engaged in a brief sexual encounter” at which point Singletary started questioning him about another woman he was dating.
After he refused to give her his cellphone passwords, she allegedly pointed the Glock handgun at him and fired one round in his direction.  The officer, who was not hit, then gathered his belongings, fled the home and called police.

What happened to smoking a cigarette to confirm satisfaction and end of encounter?  
Just a thought.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Fox

ailes trump truce

Don leads off the list of perpetrators with Charles Krauthammer, who he said “hates me so bad he can’t even see straight.”  “a sad case and totally overrated and a real jerk.”
 Trump goes on to express his deep disappointment in Fox News, saying that they probably have an agenda.

He adds, “Certainly I don’t have a lot of respect for Megyn Kelly, she’s a lightweight,” describing how she came out with a script and a goal of looking tough. He said, “When you meet her you realize she’s not very tough and she’s not very sharp. She’s zippo.”  He is the first to challenge Fox, criticize them that much. Mutual Respect.

 Just a thought.

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Donald Trump was disinvited from a gathering of influential conservatives and drew fire from GOP rivals, after he made an indelicate remark about Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

Erick Erickson, an influential conservative blogger who organized the annual RedState Gathering, formally rescinded Mr. Trump’s invitation to appear on Saturday night at an event sponsored by the RedState website. 

The annual RedState Gathering has grown to a much bigger event that brings conservative bloggers and activists together to question top Republicans. This year’s event was even more significant because it came right after the first GOP primary debate.

This latest Trump controversy stems from an interview the celebrity real estate mogul gave to CNN. In it, Mr. Trump lashed out at Ms. Kelly, who asked him about his history of making incendiary remarks about women. He told the rival cable-news network, “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her…wherever.”

This is not about Kelly... this is about America's Next President. Eric disinvited the star of the debate. I consider that an attempt to silence his voice.
Re-invite the Don and let him do his things. You may get unexpected talks and ideas from him or others...... rather than nothing.

Just a thought