Noted conservative commentator and talked-about Republican presidential contender Ben Carson cut to the chase about the fate of Obamacare. There is absolutely no reason politicians can’t unravel, reinvent or outright repeal the health care plan and those who say otherwise are selling a lie.
“Health care is a gigantic issue, and there’s no question that the system was broken and that we needed to do something about it”. “What we did not need to do is create another massive government program, and we need to be looking at different ways of taking care of it.
There are things that can be done. We keep listening to people saying ‘the horse is out of the barn, you can’t get it back in there, end of story,’ [and] that’s a bunch of crap.
Mr. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, also decried how Obamacare shifted the role of power in the nation and took health care out of the hands of the people and put it into the control of government.
All what I'm getting from the Republicans is "we can do it differently". When and who is going to have a healthcare system similar to what we currently have with more people covered? So what is it? Give us the plan......
Just a thought.