Monday, January 19, 2015


Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney are zeroing in on inequality as America’s fundamental economic problem. Bush’s new Political Action Committee, called “The Right to Rise,” declares “the income gap is real” but that “only conservative principles can solve it.”

Mitt Romney likewise promised that if he runs for president he’ll change the strategy that led to his 2012 loss to President Obama [ the “makers” versus the “takers?”] and focus instead on income inequality, poverty, and “opportunity for all people.”

The Republican establishment’s leading presidential hopefuls know the current upbeat economy isn’t trickling down to most Americans. But they’ve got a whopping credibility problem, starting with trickle-down economics.

Neither party deserves a medal for reversing the trend, but evidence shows that middle-class and poor Americans have faired better under Democratic presidents.

Personal disposable income has grown nearly 6 times more with Democrats in the White House than Republicans.

Under Bill Clinton even the wages of the poorest fifth rose. According to research by economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson, more jobs have been created under Democratic presidents as well.

These broad-based job and wage gains haven’t hampered economic growth. To the contrary, they’ve fueled it by putting more money into the pockets of people who spend it, thereby boosting business profits and hiring.

So let us see the change, that we may believe in.         Just a thought.

No Fly.... list.

The Associated Press

CBS Charlie D'Agata reports that Belgian authorities closed in on the leaders of the apparent terror cell busted up last week.

Belgium DPM Didier Reynders told CBS News the hunt for the ringleader in Greece originated from intercepted phone calls. They learned an attack was hours away, prompting the raids across the country last week in which two suspects were killed and a third arrested.

A U.S. official told CBS News that the suspected ringleader, a 33-year-old Algerian man, is believed to have returned from Syria and allegedly ran the operation aimed at attacking police and government officials from Greece.

In the following 24 hours, more than a dozen other people were detained for questioning across Belgium, and there have been dozens more terror arrests across Europe since the attacks in Paris that left 17 people dead.

The Algerian man, detained Sunday on a European arrest warrant in Athens, was to go before Greek judges who were expected to rule on the Belgian extradition request within several days.

Reynders told CBS News that among the measures foreign ministers were to discuss, was the possibility of revoking passports of suspected terrorists; about as close as Europe can come collectively to setting up a no-fly list like the one in the U.S. We are waiting.        Just a thought.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Fox News took time out of four broadcasts on Saturday to apologize for four separate instances of incorrect information that portrayed Muslims in a negative light.

Several of the cases involved incendiary comments about "no-go zones" in Europe, where Islamic law supposedly supersedes local law and where non-Muslims fear to go.

On Saturday, Fox apologized morning, noon and night.
Jeanine Pirro issued the final correction of the day, at 9:10 p.m., for something her guest Steve Emerson said a week earlier: that Birmingham, England is a "totally Muslim city where non-Muslims don't go in." Emerson was ridiculed for his comments, and he subsequently apologized.

"Last week on this program, a guest made a serious factual error that we wrongly let stand unchallenged and uncorrected," Pirro said. ................ Also, we could find no credible source that indicates Birmingham is a so-called no-go zone."

Earlier this week, a French comedy television show observed that the map in question was identical to a map, made by the French government in 1996, of poor neighborhoods in need of help.

Just a thought.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Chloe-Bill Cosby


Bill Cosby’s Latest Accuser Chloe Goins Was Arrested As A Minor For Prostitution In Las Vegas

Chloe Goins added her name to the chorus of Bill Cosby accusers when she claimed he drugged and sexually assaulted her at the Playboy Mansion six years ago. Now, can reveal that the latest alleged victim has some dark secrets of her own.

According to court documents obtained by Radar, Goins was arrested in Las Vegas for soliciting prostitution just three years ago — and posed for an unflattering mug shot in the process.

According to Officer Laura Meltzer with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, an underage Goins was booked on misdemeanor charges, including one count of soliciting prostitution and one count of a minor in a gambling establishment on May 1, 2011.

Even though officers had probable cause to arrest Goins, now 24, the Clark County District Attorney’s Office informed Radar that charges were never filed.

Goins – the first accuser to fall within the statute of limitations  told the British newspaper she “was not very sexually experienced” and “didn’t really know what had happened,” when she recounted what she says occurred at the party she attended with a girlfriend.

However, Goins doesn’t believe he raped her.

“Unlike many of those women, I don’t think he raped me,” she said, “so I am one of the lucky ones, but at the same time it was a f-ed up situation.”

Paris- Conflict

French security forces stormed two sites where terrorists had been holding hostages, killing the two Charlie Hebdo massacre suspects and a third man who was holding captives in a kosher supermarket.

The fugitive suspects [of Charlie Hebdo] are French-born sons of Algerian-born parents, already under police surveillance. One was jailed for 18 months for trying to travel to Iraq a decade ago to fight as part of an Islamist cell. Police said they were "armed and dangerous".

U.S. government sources said the brothers were listed in two U.S. highly classified database.

France has Europe’s largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day and casting aside Western legal systems.

Some immigrants to the western world are unable to be in peace with the society. They came from poor Countries to Europe for a better life but many can't integrate with the open society.  Freedom of speech,  equal opportunity, voting wrights, jobs, respect for the Laws, and Freedom of Women are a threat to them and their families. They enjoy it themselves but quickly realized that others are enjoying it too including their own families. A great conflict when comparing old and new Countries.  Just a thought.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Bubble?

In 2013,  3.20 billion barrels of gasoline were consumed2 in the United States, about 6% less than the record high in 2007.

US consumed 18.89 million barrels per day.   Production averaged about 9 million barrels of crude a day, the most since 1986.  .

Wind energy is breaking records across the U.S., thanks to long-needed transmission upgrades that are relieving congestion on the power grid and allowing more clean energy to reach consumers. In 2011. One TWh is essentially enough energy to power a city of 200,000 people for an entire year. The U.S. generated 121 TWh.

US produce as much as Saudi Arabia, and consume less. As the price decline, the unprofitable wells will decline, temporary.  Just a thought.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sober Monitors.

 Image result for Fraternities and sororities
Fraternities and sororities at the University of Virginia must now have "sober monitors" at their parties and beer kegs and mixed drinks will be forbidden, according to new rules decreed by University of Virginia President Teresa Sullivan.
Sullivan said that all recognized social groups must sign an agreement before Jan. 16 pledging to follow the new rules. Only then, she said, will the university lift the ban on parties that was put in place in response to a November 2014 Rolling Stone Magazine article about an alleged lack of response by the university to sexual assaults.
The Rolling Stone article centered on a woman named “Jackie” . But the veracity of Jackie's allegations have since been questioned and the magazine was criticized for poor fact checking.
Many of the rules are ideas that have been implemented at other schools throughout the country.  The guidelines would apply to all 700 social organizations on campus, not just fraternities and sororities.
More safer for the students, though not all of them may like it. Just a thought.

Find and Deport..... Paris.

Prosecutors said two gunmen arrived at the building in a black Citroen C3 car, killing a receptionist before heading to the third-floor offices of the magazine where they shot dead eight journalists, a guest and a police officer who had been assigned to protect workers. Four people were also critically injured.

A second police officer was killed outside as the suspects fled before abandoning their car, hijacking a Renault Clio by throwing out its driver.

France raised its terror threat level following the attack at the central Paris building housing weekly Charlie Hebdo and stepped up security for media organizations, large stores and places of worship.

We will find the people who did this," French President Francois Hollande said. "France is today shocked by this terrorist attack."

These terrorists had support from others, friends, family members, etc. They all should be prosecuted. Those who knew about these terrorists' activities should be deported to where FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS NOT PRACTICED.

Just a thought.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


 Getty Images

If you’ve ever waited more than an hour at an urgent care clinic for a sore throat, you know that the whole business of going to a doctor can seem frustratingly antiquated. How many times have you wanted to see a doctor, but decided to postpone it for as long as possible on account of the hassle? The trek there, the rude receptionist, the waiting room–all for just three minutes of doctor time.

Well, it looks like change might finally be on the horizon. Thanks to the growing availability of telemedicine or telehealth services, you can now video conference with a doctor from home any time–even in your pajamas. Sounds amazing, if also a little too good to be true.

Right now there are about 200 telemedicine networks and more than half of U.S. hospitals are using it in some way to better connect doctors with patients with chronic illnesses like heart disease, according to the American Telemedicine Association.

The phenomenon, when used appropriately, telemedicine is not only safe, it’s a much-needed option. As long as your doctor have your history, Blood test, etc.

It would be very helpful for those who are unable to move easily from one place to another, after discharge from the hospital, or need assistance. So check it out.

Just a thought.