The FCC's proposed net neutrality regulations are widely expected to be approved by a vote along partisan lines. The controversy comes down to the fact that the FCC's new net neutrality rules reclassify broadband as a public utility.
Proponents of the new rules say regulating the Internet as a utility protects consumers and innovation. Opponents say it stifles innovation and restricts capitalism. Essentially, the debate has become ideological and partisan.
"On one hand you have the Internet companies like Netflix and Facebook who are trying to ensure they have unfettered access to the consumer and that the consumer has unfettered access to them," said analyst Craig Moffett at Moffett Research. "And on the other hand you have companies like Verizon, AT&T and Comcast who are saying they don't oppose any of the net neutrality-related rules, but the legal framework in order to get there imposes all these burdensome regulations and the risk of government overreach."
The concern is the risk that Title II regulation, even with all sorts of carve-outs or "forbearance" on certain parts, will lead toward price regulation.
Some are making great money now and they are against it.
Just a thought.