The underwear bomber attempted his terrorist activity on Christmas Day 2009, luckily for him and others that he failed.
Airport machines skip scanning private areas in the human body. Terrorists decided to use this young man to achieve their goal,
kill him and kill others.
They aren't concern about the young man's life, future, or his family's hopes. He has access to the USA, and they would like to use him for their terrorist plot.
To simplify,
Terrorists decided that killing people is God's well. They got the truth and no one else.
It is a process of deception, deceive the young terrorist, and deceive the society.
They promise a rosy after life for those who commit murdering acts.
Yet the organizer of these terrorist activities stay far from the act, and the rosy after life promised to the young terrorist..
In many cases, many of these terrorist organizers and groups ask the USA, and Europe to secure their own human rights, while they deny the same to others.
They benefit from technologies, medicines, vaccines, transportation, and communication while in the same time plotting to kill those who are working hard to create and improve people's lives and their family's lives. ...... Hate is a powerful thing. Just a thought.