Romney's proposal...
*"Tax reduction 20%" across the board?!!! a 5 trillion Dollars hole. This is not for you, the little people or the 47%.
*Healthcare: abolish the affordable act, and create a new healthcare for private healthcare Insurances to compete.
*Medicare: Vouchers, current senior may not be impacted!!!?
*Banks regulations to be reduced, lower burden on the financial institutions, back to laverage of 40 to 1.
*Women's health is controlled by electd officials, not the Supreme Court.
*Iran must not have "Weapons of Mass destruction". Memories of Iraqu's story.
Sound familiar to "Bush the second". Same talk, same idea, and same view. Watch for the outcome.
*Create 12 million jobs.
In 2008, US government had to gaurantee the money market, Fannie and Freddie, AIG, the big banks, and the auto industries. With that, lehman Brothers, Country Wide, Merrill Lynch, Washington Mutual, others evaporated, and the worse housing bubble ever. A loss of five Trillion dollars.
You may not have realized the financial collapse then but it did happen and would have wiped everyone out and I mean everyone around the globe. As the fed chairman said "By Monday we would not have an Economy...!!!!"